Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's my fascination with your urine about, exactly?

Our lucky girl Kelly is waiting to find out if her first positive beta will lead to a fat, happy baby, or just more sorrow. Which is prompting me to ask something I've been wondering about for a while. Why am I so into seeing other people's positive pregnancy tests? I totally am, and have been ever since I started lurking in this community. I feel ripped off if someone doesn't post a picture. (Um, no pressure.) What the fuck is up with that? Is it because they are such a beacon of hope? Is it because many of us endlessly imagine seeing such a thing, and are so familiar with seeing the absence of  it? Is it because they are a tangible indication that someone has a shot at getting off I'll Never Have a Baby Island? Am I alone in my love for other people's magic urine? Thoughts?


  1. We want others to join us on the "other side", like the marines--"no infertile left behind"

  2. I also feel ripped off when I don't see others' proof. Am I (currently a member of the IUI tribe on the I'll Never Have a Baby Island) too fragile perhaps? Would showing me incur the pee-er some bad voodoo luck? Do they not own a camera????? What gives?

  3. I don't think you're alone. I share that love of pee voyeurism with you. I think it's the excitement of seeing that positive test, even if it's not your own. I know that some people don't want to post the tests out of concern that some people might be upset by such a sight, and I respect that concern. But ME WANNA SEE!!

  4. I'm the same - although I've never seen a positive test, I love it when other people test early and often and best of all, get a bfp!

  5. I'm the same:) When I see those HPT+ pictures, or read about positive tests, I get pretty excited. For those of us still on this (stinking) island, I think those posts stoke our belief that, yes, it might actually one day happen for us.

    It's strange, in a way. I've had lots of positive tests, none of which have ended well. But I still get excited.

  6. Haha... I am going to have to post that just for you. Seriously, though, I took another one this morning and it's the SUPER sensitive 10mlU/ml kind and it's still not super dark with a beta of 236. When my beta was 52 it was barely visible!

    False fucking advertising, man.

  7. I dont think I can ever go there again.


  8. Oh my most sincere apologies. I promise one next time, if there is one. Last time it was all I could do to take a photo on that new fangled phone thingy and text it to the hubs. I just didn't have the appropriate resources, being away from home.
