Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh right!

I recently heard about a friend-of-a-friend who had an emergency c-section several weeks before her due date. She's a grad student in New York and her partner works in Ohio, so her plan was apparently to fly to Ohio FIVE DAYS before her due date. You know, to give birth. FIVE DAYS. I'm sure she had her reasons, but... FIVE DAYS. That's CRAZY PERSON stuff, right? Because due dates are pretty much meaningless, right?

So there I was, thinking what an insane plan this chick had, when I suddenly realized: I'm three weeks from full term. While I've got a diaper or two and a carseat, so am tooooooootally ready for a new baby, I have shitloads of work-work that I keep putting off. Every week I look at my list and think eh, this week is so full of appointments and meetings, I'll just focus on these big, intellectually-demanding items NEXT week. BUT OH SHIT, there might not BE a next week!

Uh, not in the sense that the whole world might come to an end, but in the sense that I might run out of semester muuuuch sooner than I am imagining. I think the whole planned c-section thing leads to a certain inappropriate comfort with the notion that I will actually deliver as planned. Thanks, crazy lady, for reminding me that babies can come early.


  1. That is funny! I've thought about that a bit. I'm generally ready, except I have no one to watch my 3 year old. Holy crap! Going to work on that now, like the second I stop commenting on your blog.

  2. I thought the same thing - the night before I turned 37 weeks I thought "I really should pack my hospital bag" and then fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and went to the restroom and got back in bed thinking I needed an extra 15 min sleep, and got all comfy...and then wet! Holy crap my water broke - and I am not ready!

  3. i'm totally preparing for an early baby. which is why i sit here at 30.5 weeks and have all my baby laundry done, stroller put together, car seat installed, and the baby room 200% ready. i've read too many blogs about babies coming early, so i am preparing for ANYTHING@!! although, given that i've done all this, you just know that my baby will comes 2 weeks late, and only after an induction. bc the universe hates me and all these contrax were probably just the universe's way of f-ing with me.

    are you trying to finish out the semester before baby comes? i'm sure your bun bun will cooperate and be a good little monkey and come right on time. it doesn't sound like you have a feisty crazy one in there who is doing all that is possible to get out (like mine)??

  4. An awakening! I can see how you forgot that Bun Bun may initiate proceedings before then - but they're not SUPPOSED to, are they, being the first? According to legend? Or is that a load of rubbish?

    Time will tell. But I have a good feeling. And, em, how bad could it be if the work-work didn't sort of get done-done beforehand?

  5. I found this weird sort of trip line in my pregnancy. For the bulk of it I was too worried to really plan, lest I jinx it all. And then all of a sudden--TRIP!-- I was in psycho-planning 5th gear. There was no in-between.

    And I stupidly thought that as a first time pregger I would go overdue, and I dragged my feet in work transistion prep...and I went into labor at 38 weeks. Guess what? The work shit was done by someone else, I never thought twice about, the end. So, if you want to continue to procrastinate, allow me to enable you. :)

  6. Even on my most crabby of days, you make me laugh. THANK YOU.

  7. umm yeah. i'm 2 weeks from full term and feeling the exact same way. at home, i'm ready. at work, i'm pretty sure i'd get fired for all the stuff i have left to do! thank your crazy lady friend on my behalf as well, would ya?

  8. Yeah, I thought for sure I would go past my due date and instead delivered at 38 weeks. I had 99% baby stuff ready but not work transition stuff -- and it just got done by someone else. You will magically not care once Bun Bun is here. Do what you can for now (exhaustion and attention span permitting) and feel free to laze about. Seriously, take some days off if you can. You'll be glad you did later if not sooner.

  9. Reality checks come in all shapes and sizes, don't they? This chick was going to be allowed to fly 5 days before her due date? I thought there were rules about that. Anywho, enough about her, YOU ARE 3 WEEKS TO TERM! Seriously? wow. Bun Bun is just about to make his or her grand entry. And yes, those intellectually-demanding items maybe will have to be pondered between feedings.

  10. I can't believe that woman flying 5 days before her due date - crazy! And wow, is it ever starting to look real!!! Going to be so soon!!!

  11. Oh yes my dear, oh yes.... I'm a living example of that. Thought I was all set with the scheduled c-section then whoops! Bleeding on to bed rest for you! Crap... I still haven't recovered (work wise). So exciting....getting towards the end!

  12. I don't even have a car seat. And I have maybe like 5 diapers. Eeeeek!

    Yea, there is no planning for arrivals of babies, you just never know when bun bun will decide to make his or her appearance. And like others have said, if you keep putting it off the work stuff will find a way to get done :-)

  13. Holy shit, 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!! Wow that went by fast, I didn't realize it was so soon!!! =)

  14. OMG, how did your pregnancy go by so fast?! Three weeks!!!! Well, if it's any consolation the work stuff will definitely NOT stress you out once Bun Bun is born. I promise. I was sending work emails up until 15 min before my c-section, but haven't thought once about anything work related since the birth of the bebes. Procrastinate away!
    Excited for you!

  15. OMG! Bunny, I had no idea you were so close to term. I agree that due dates can be useless. I think you are right, within 3 weeks it's time to get things done. Good luck.

  16. Yup, it's a weird feeling when you get far enough along to think that any day could be the day. Though I was late and by 40.5 weeks the idea of "any day now" was getting pretty old. I agree with the others - you will not care one bit about work once BunBun is here, taking up 100% of your attention and making work seem like a distant dream. I say screw work, take a sick day and get a nice pedicure.

  17. I love JBs suggestion. I can see how a scheduled C-section might give you an inappropriate sense of comfort, but I am all for that. :)

    I am hoping for a safe arrival for Bun Bun, whenever he/she arrives. I do think that Bun Bun is a boy though. And of course I must be right, because I lives in the future.

    PS. Love the quilt and am so sorry am so behind on blog right now.

  18. I keep seeing my countdown for the birthmother - it's at 37 wks 6 days right now - and quietly freaking out. It could happen ANY DAY NOW.
    Sorry if I'm adding to the panic!

  19. I've gotta agree with Trinity, just because it sounds like more fun--when it comes to the work stuff, procrastinate away!

  20. did i tell you we packed the hospital bag the day i went into labor? and that sugar hand-wrote the birth plan i dictated in between contractions?

    get a bassinet (or pack and play, which is what we had), and you're set. oh, and some lanolin and nipple pads.

  21. Your friend of a friend sounds like she was a blissful ignorant fertile person who had no idea that things happen on their own schedule for most people. Guess giving birth early was her overdue reality check. (that being said, I hope she is ok).

    And, OMG, it could so happen for you soon. Which I imagine is scary as hell but also pretty cool. Just so long as you aren't in labour on our birthday cause I was going to invite you round for a piece of cake.

  22. Whoooooooooooosh! That is the sound of your pregnancy flying by. :)

    Once I went on bedrest I went into hyper-preparing mode (from the couch). The day before the babies came hubs set up the car seat bases, the strollers and hung the art in the nursery room. It's stuff we could've done once they arrived, but it sure felt awesome having it done when my water broke!! xoxo

  23. Wow. It's true - other people's pregnancies go so fast. It seems like two weeks ago I was jumping up and down reading about your BFP.

    It'll all be fine. I'll offer the contrasting opinion: get some work done, because you won't want to do crap after BunBun comes.
