Friday, January 8, 2010

Assorted oddments

A: A slipper. There--don't you feel better after that enormous, belly-shaking laugh?

It's a beautiful day featuring snow covered branches. I loves me some snow covered branches.

I was a huge bitch to my husband last night. So much so that he cleaned up the kitchen, made me a drink, and then made me some chocolate-chip cookies. Since it's a little early for my highly predictable day of PMS-induced rage, I think I'm just nervous about next week. I'm worried about what my RE will find lurking in my innards and I'm worried about preparing for and then getting through the baby shower.

In addition, yesterday I learned that PBF got a one-year position in California, so will be moving away. (Heretofore she's been a lecturer in my department, which is not a permanent position.) I don't want her to gooooooooo! But I want what's best for her career, and I suppose if I spend another year being barren, it will be best for our friendship if her baby is not always all up in my face.

As everyone knows, when you have a minor surgery and a baby shower in your future and your best friend is moving away, the only cure is Symbolic Imagery. Below is a photo from a hike I took with my family over Christmas.

At first I assumed the sprouting of the plant caused the split in the rock, and I was like woah, powerful symbol of the resilience of new life. In reality, the splitting of the rock probably allowed the plant to sprout, so...powerful symbol of the resilience of new life!

I've totally been the rock for the past six months. Not just because I'm flesh-toned. Also because I'm broken. I hope the brokenness will lead to the sprouting of some new life. And that my baby is not green and leafy.


  1. That's a great photo and analogy...hoping your little sprout will come soon!

  2. Yes, great photo and analogy, and I'm hoping for you!!

  3. Of course your baby will be a little green and leafy 'cause babies come from a cabbage patch, silly. Lord knows they don't get made from having sex. That's ridiculous.

  4. beautiful imagery. resilience is definitely a theme for infertiles.

  5. What's Brown and sticky?

    A stick.

    See, we can all play at that game!

    Rock on.

  6. I remember the feeling I had before the laproscopy. It can put you on edge. Nice job on the hubby's part with the drink and the cookies. Good luck next week.
