Monday, November 1, 2010

Heart still a'beatin'!

That's right, y'all, my fetus is still alive. I had my first OB appointment, and it was pretty pointless. Except for the 30 seconds of doppler, when we got to hear that magic shoop shoop shoop! There were also some delightful noises that apparently indicate movement, a sort of pinging sound. Wow. Then Mr. Bunny had to rush off to catch a plane and I got to do super sexy stuff like PAP SMEAR! FLU SHOT! LISTEN TO A BUNCH OF STUFF I ALREADY KNOW! RECEIVE AN INFO PACKET I'VE ALREADY RECEIVED, and that consists mainly of little "magazines" that are 99% advertisement and 1% inane bullshit. I ditched those in the exam room. Fuck you, beatifically smiling pregnant ladies advising me to buy pampers.

Uh, anyway, I was initially heartbroken to not get an ultrasound. I mean, why would they not give me a damn ultrasound? WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!?! But I scheduled one this Friday for the NT test, and, for once, I won't even be (too terribly) worried. I mean, what's the probability that Bun Bun will die between now and Friday? Low.

On my way out, I happened to look down a hallway where I could see into one of the IF clinic exam rooms. Through the half-open door I saw the big poster titled INFERTILITY, the one with all the reproductive organs. I know that poster well. I've been in that exam room many times. It was a nice bit of symbolism--the hallway, the distant, half-open door... My old world is right there, but I have entered a new one.


  1. OH GOOD! Phew.

    So happy for you, bunnies. PHEW PHEW PHEW.

  2. yaaay!! been stalking your blog all morning to make sure that all is well. that's weird about not getting an u/s. now i'm going to have to call my dr's office to confirm that i'm getting one today. or else i will. freak. out. that is, more than i already am. xoxo!!

  3. SUCH a great sound to hear, I'm sure! Love the symbolism at the end of your post. Love it.

  4. oh bunny!! eeeeeeeee! i'm so excited for you! thats fantastic news :)

  5. Yup....very good, a non-event, did you like the OB? Not that it really matters since she/he proably won't be the one delivering Bun-Bun. Good luck with the NT scan (be aware if you meet with a genetic couselor beforehand her job is to scare the crap out you and she'll proably be say 20ish--awesome!)

  6. I'm so glad everything went well and you got to hear the heartbeat!

  7. Go Bun Bun! Wait until you see how little Bun Bun has grown at your ultrasound...mind-blowing.

    And to fulfill your data request for, um, prune solutions....first, consider changing your prenatal (you can take Flinstones, believe it or not, and they do not cause the same degree of constipation). Then, consider some raw juice or something with wheat grass in it every few days (check with Whole Foods or a local juice joint). can mix up a prune juice cocktail for immediate effect: I diluted some prune juice about 50% with apple or cranberry juice to cut the "earthy" (read: dirty) flavor of the prune. Stay close to a bathroom as this is the, uh, nuclear option.

    Hope this helps your lady-pooper!

  8. Yay! That's great news Bunny!

  9. Great news!!! Yeah, the first appointment is pretty boring, but so glad you'll get to see Bun-Bun in just a few days! So amazing how much detail you can see during the NT scan.

  10. shoop-shoop-shoop is the shit, man. That is the sound you want to hear and we want described in this here blog. WONDERFUL NEWS! Bun Bun does live and gets to be observed via u/s in a matter of days. I will look forward to hearing your reactions to that. I suspect you might find something in there that looks like a baby, but that's just a rumor I've heard.

    I like that you could start symbolically waving goodbye to the infertility clinic. It's really starting to be a thing of the past for you, which I'm sure you won't be able to believe until a plump, healthy Bun Bun is in your arms.

  11. So glad Bun Bun is doing that magic thing that Bun Buns do--SURVIVING! Remember Cher's "Shoop-Shoop Song"? Kinda gives you a whole new perspective on what may have inspired it, no? CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  12. Oh yay!!! I'm so happy you heard that amazing sound. Wonderful!

  13. Oh good!! That's got to be the best sound ever. So I should pretty low expectations for this first appointment, huh? :-(

    I hope I hear the same amazing sound on Thursday. {Which seems like a gazillion light years away!}

  14. I love the end of this post with you saying goodbye to infertility and hello to your new phase of life. Glad to hear everything is going well.

  15. You went to the OB!!! and it was good! It is amazing and bizarre and scary and fabtastic to move from the IF world to the OB world, and I'm so happy that all went well. Very happy you heard a healthy heartbeat and looking forward to you getting to see pictures on Friday!

  16. Yay Bun Bun!

    I know - it's seems so weird and somehow neglectful to not have an U/S. But the doppler does make up for some of the gap.

  17. Hurrah! Well done Bun Bun on making your mama happy. You have crossed over Bunny. Excellent. :)

  18. Cracking me up. Fuck never had it so good as in this post.

    I like the door story. Close that bitch of a door.

    I love your confidence. While it is not a shining example of something I would point out to others, "not dying by Friday" is pretty good for you.

  19. I knew from your previous posts that the OB and the clinic were part of the same complex, but how jarring it must have been to walk by that door!

  20. Shoop shoop away, little bun bun. So glad that it went well and yeah, I agree 100%: I think you can suspend all worry between now and Friday. (I hate those magazines. I have always hated those magazines. I don't *think* that it's only the bitterness talking:)

  21. I'm glad you could at least hear Bun Bun, even if they wouldn't show him/her to you.
    And I'm so glad you made it to the other side of that door.

  22. Sorry for the late comment but here's a big yip yip YIP!!! from me. :) The build-up to appts is so brutal, but the sweet relief when everything is okay is utter bliss. Excellent work with that beautifully beating heart, Bun Bun! And awesome you get to see the little one at the NT Scan....tomorrow. Ahhhh!
