Saturday, September 18, 2010

Talk = OVAH

Me = still alive. I didn't even get pelted with rotten fruit. In fact, some famous people were complimentary! I'm going to focus on that and ignore the inner voice reminding me that there were things I could have done better...

So now there's just Tuesday morning to worry about. Mr. Bunny had a dream in which we had a real live baby. He was holding it. I'm a little jealous, but also kinda glad not to have anything quite so real in my head.


  1. I CAN'T WAIT FOR TUESDAY!! Sorry, is my excitement over a stranger's baby too much? ;)

    Congrats on your talk - I'm sure you were fabulous, dahling.

  2. Congrats on getting through your talk! I am excited about Tuesday!!

  3. Hurray! That wonderful, you're such a star.

    Some non-alcoholic celebrations, perhaps?

  4. Welcome back, Bunny! Glad to hear that the talk went well--not that I ever had a doubt. :)

  5. One scary event down, one to go! The second of which I know will go just as well.

  6. Hurry up and get here, Tuesday! And congrats on a great talk. Looking forward to more good news!

  7. Famous people know what they're talking about - you were clearly great. I wish Tuesday could come faster. It's gonna be a GOOD day.

  8. glad the talk is ovah!!! did mr bunny say whether the baby was a boy or girl?? i'll eat my foot if it's a girl. you are boy ppl to me. i'll bet money :o)

  9. ohhh, compliments from famous people!! I agree with Finch, famous people know what they are talking about.
    Oh my gosh, Tuesday seems like so long for me to have to wait to hear some more news about Bunny's baby. Don't you know it's all about me?. I hope it goes faster for you (unlikely). Awww, and how adorable that Mr Bunny is having baby dreams already!

  10. Well done on the talk! Glad it's behind you and it sounds like it went really well.

    And I like to think that Mr. Bunny is merely capable of foretelling the future:)

  11. The talk is done and now you can scratch it off your list. Tuesday will be here soon and I can't wait to hear the great news thats coming.

  12. YAY!!! Did I not say you would be the conference rock star? And if you were not quite the rock star, you most clearly are the hip indie newcomer that all the cool people loved before you were truly famous.

    Can't wait to hear the great news that you will have on Tuesday. Only, I have to wait until Wednesday. Damned living in the future.

  13. Congrats on making it through the talk! I'm sure you were wonderful :).

  14. Hooray! Congratulations!!! There was a saying among students at my undergraduate institution around finals season: done is the only virtue. I'm a firm believer. And yo' talk be DONE! YAAAYYYY!!! All the best for Tuesday; I'm sure you'll ace it.

  15. Congratulations on the talk! And on the attention from the famous people. You are awesome.

  16. Yeah for you! Good luck next week, I think it will be good.

  17. Missed you, Bunny. I'm so glad the talk went well. So looking forward to Tuesday.

  18. Glad the talk went well. I hope your scan goes well!

  19. Yay on your talk and the compliments!
    And I hope Mr. Bunny's dream will come true soon.

  20. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away!
    Yip! One more sleep and you've made it. Deep breaths, you can do it! So excited for you to see your baby on the u/s.

    And I am not in the least bit surprised you nailed your talk. Yes! Nice work!! Hopefully it gave you just enough distraction over the past couple of weeks that you didn't have to fixate on this u/s 24-7. At any rate, you've (almost almost almost) made it. xo

  21. I knew it would go well...

    So, there!

  22. everything in my body is crossed and I am sending out my best "please have a healthy heartbeat" vibes. When I went for that ultrasound I was so nervous that when they did find a heatbeat I was concerned it was mine they were hearing (they said no your heartbeat is not 180). GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  23. Glad it went well. Hoping so hard that you get great news tomorrow. I honestly don't know how you've waited this long between betas and your u/s! The good news is that you'll be far enough along to see the heartbeat :)

  24. Congrats on the talk!

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and checking in regularly for an update. I'm crossing everything for you!!!

  25. Hi Bunny... just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. Hope everything went well yesterday. (((Hugs)))

  26. Thinking of you, Bunny. I hope the ultrasound went well.
